RVAM: Self-Guided Learning Week 2 (Oct 13)

Relationship Violence Awareness Month (RVAM) brings people together to create and generate discussion and skill-building on how to prevent relationship violence in our schools, workplaces, and communities, Since most of our campus remains learning and working remotely, we won’t be able to physically come together this October to do this critical work in person… but… Continue reading RVAM: Self-Guided Learning Week 2 (Oct 13)

RVAM: Self-Guided Learning Week 1 (Oct 6)

Relationship Violence Awareness Month (RVAM) brings people together to create and generate discussion and skill-building on how to prevent relationship violence in our schools, workplaces, and communities, Since most of our campus remains learning and working remotely, we won’t be able to physically come together this October to do this critical work in person… but… Continue reading RVAM: Self-Guided Learning Week 1 (Oct 6)

So, your fave has been accused of sexual assault.

 Kaitlyn Kylus (She/Her) Kaitlyn is a senior Social Work major and is a student staff member at the Women’s Center Content Warning: Sexual Assault  A note on the word survivor: I will be using the words “survivor”, “victim”, and “accuser” interchangeably in this post. It is always up to the person affected to decide how… Continue reading So, your fave has been accused of sexual assault.

‘Pandemic: New Horizons’ or How Animal Crossing and Other Games Offer Comfort in Chaos

Kaitlyn is a junior Social Work major and is a student staff member at the Women's Center. Are you feeling isolated? Lonely? Lost in a chaotic world that doesn't make sense anymore? Me too! At a time where we feel more out of control than ever, video games are something that I know many of… Continue reading ‘Pandemic: New Horizons’ or How Animal Crossing and Other Games Offer Comfort in Chaos

Virtual Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Honoring + Believing Survivors’ Stories (Week 3) Round-Up

In the absence of physical space to learn, create, and come together, the Women’s Center is taking Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) 2020 online. Each week during April, we will focus on a specific topic/theme as it relates to sexual violence awareness and prevention (see image below). Together, via out social media platforms like Facebook,… Continue reading Virtual Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Honoring + Believing Survivors’ Stories (Week 3) Round-Up

Virtual Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Deconstructing Rape Myths and Narratives (Week 2) Round-Up

In the absence of physical space to learn, create, and come together, the Women’s Center is taking Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) 2020 online. Each week during April, we will focus on a specific topic/theme as it relates to sexual violence awareness and prevention (see image below). Together, via out social media platforms like Facebook,Twitter,… Continue reading Virtual Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Deconstructing Rape Myths and Narratives (Week 2) Round-Up

When Work Becomes a War Zone

This year, I became one of the many women who leave their jobs because of sexual harassment. I always knew it was something that happened; I just didn't think it would happen to me. I’m not alone; reports have found that 60% of women say they experience "unwanted sexual attention, sexual coercion, sexually crude conduct,… Continue reading When Work Becomes a War Zone