Makeup Microaggressions: Let Me Wear My Full-Face Makeup in Peace

 Student staff member, Samiksha Manjani, takes a deeper look at the impact of makeup microaggressions. I normally hate getting ready to go out with girls; or well, I hate putting on my makeup in front of other girls. Instead, I’ll put it on in my own house and then go to my friend’s house to… Continue reading Makeup Microaggressions: Let Me Wear My Full-Face Makeup in Peace

Feminist Road Tripping

A reflection written by Women's Center director, Jess Myers, tag-teamed with friend, Priscilla. A few weeks ago, my dear friend, Priscilla, and I headed out on a road trip of a lifetime through Colorado, Utah, and Arizona. And, because we both solidly identify as feminists, this, my friends, was a Feminist Road Trip™. We had… Continue reading Feminist Road Tripping